
英語(yǔ)百詞大賽心得體會(huì)初三和感想 初一英語(yǔ)百詞競(jìng)賽(九篇)

格式:DOC 上傳日期:2023-01-11 15:47:46 頁(yè)碼:7
英語(yǔ)百詞大賽心得體會(huì)初三和感想 初一英語(yǔ)百詞競(jìng)賽(九篇)
2023-01-11 15:47:46    小編:ZTFB


















hello, everyone. today we are going to visit the summer palace, which waslisted in the world cultural heritage list in 1998. it is the most abundant andwell preserved royal garden in the world.

located in the northwest of beijing, the summer palace covers an area of290 hectares, of which the water surface is about 220 hectares. the summerpalace, formerly known as qingyi garden, was built in 1750 to celebrate thebirthday of his mother in the year of emperor qianlong. in 1860, it was burnedby the united kingdom and france, and most of the buildings were destroyed. ciximisappropriated the navy's military expenditure and took 10 years to completion, it was renamed the summer palace. cixi spent most of her lateryears in the garden, where traces of major events of that year can still betraced. the basic layout of the summer palace can be pided into three parts:the administrative area with renshou hall as the center, the living area foremperors and empresses with yulan hall and leshou hall as the main parts, andthe tourist area with kunming lake and coastal scenery and scenery of frontmountain and back mountain as the main parts. if you add the paiyun hall, it canalso be pided into four parts.

at first there was no name. in the liao and jin dynasties, jinshan palacewas built on the mountain, so it was called "jinshan" and "jinhai". it is alsosaid that an old man dug out a stone urn at the foot of the mountain, and theyuan dynasty changed the name of this place to "wengshan" and "wengshanpo".wengshan park is located in the west of dadu in yuan dynasty, with enchantingscenery, so it has the reputation of "west lake" in literati's works. in theming dynasty, some temples and temples were built here. the emperor called it"good mountain garden". in the early years of the qing dynasty, large-scaleconstruction of royal gardens began here. at that time, there was the famous"three mountains and five gardens". they are: yuquan mountain, wanshou mountain,xiangshan mountain, changchun garden, jingming garden, jingyi garden, yuanminggarden, qingyi garden. qingyi garden is now the summer palace.

when we arrived at the east palace gate, our tour officially began. outsidethe east palace is the largest crossing archway in the qing dynasty. the eastpalace gate is also the main gate of the summer palace. the plaque on the doorof the summer palace is the handwriting of emperor guangxu. the word "yihe"means "yiyang spirit, peace of mind".

entering the east palace gate, we first came to renshou hall. the word"renshou" comes from the meaning of "renzhe shou" in the analects of is to say, those who govern with benevolence can live a long life. renshouhall used to be the hall of diligent administration during the reign of emperorqianlong. after the reconstruction of the summer palace, it was changed intorenshou hall. this is the main place for royal political activities in thegarden. the five taihu stones we see face to face are called fengxu wulao, whichmeans longevity. the bronze monster on the throne of han white jade xumi, knownas qilin and sibuxiang, is one of the nine sons of the dragon, symbolizingauspiciousness and wealth. in front of the hall, there are two pairs of bronzecensers in the shape of dragon and phoenix, arranged in such a way that thephoenix is on the inside and the dragon is on the outside, highlighting theposition of the phoenix. this has something to do with the fact that empressdowager cixi listened to the government behind the curtain at the end of theqing dynasty.

now the furnishings in renshou hall are basically the same as before. thereare royal cases, throne, corner ends, palm fans and screens on the ground bed inthe hall. the screen is made of red sandalwood and carved with nine dragons. thecenter of the screen is a glass mirror with 226 characters of longevity writtenin different ways. the palm fan is a palace decoration decorated with peacockplume. the horn end is a unicorn, which is said to be able to "communicate withthe four barbarians". the practical use is the censer. on the walls on bothsides of the hall, there is a picture of a hundred bats holding longevity. theword "shou" in the middle is written by cixi. bat and fu have the samepronunciation, which means more happiness and more longevity.

through the rockery behind renshou hall, we can see kunming lake in frontof us.

the best view of the summer palace is on the east bank of kunming we can look at foxiangge in the north, yuquan mountain in the west andnanhu island in the south.

next we will visit the empress living area.

now we can see that this group of chic and elegant courtyard is yulan hall,"yulan" comes from the verse of jin dynasty poet lu ji: "yuquan gushes in thegentle waves". this is the place where emperor guangxu lived and dealt with hisdaily affairs when he came to the summer palace. after the failure of the reformmovement of 1898, guangxu was put under house arrest here. in order to controlhis every move, cixi even closed the cloisters on the east and west sides withbrick walls. all these are the witness of the reform movement of 1898. yulanhall is a traditional courtyard building with breakfast room in the east,dormitory in the west and study in the middle.

behind the yulan hall is the yiyun museum, which means "yiyun" is suitablefor collecting books. during the reign of emperor qianlong, it was the placewhere the emperor collected books. after reconstruction, it was changed into thepalace of empress longyu.

after walking through yiyun hall, the corridor in the northwest corner isleshou hall. "leshou" comes from the analects of confucius, which means thatthis is the place where the benevolent and the wise live. leshoutang is the mainbuilding in the living area. it has two floors. it was originally the placewhere qianlong's mother lived. after reconstruction, it was changed into theresidence of empress dowager cixi.

entering the courtyard, we can see a lot of things here. copper deer,copper crane and copper vase are used to refer to the homophony of deer, craneand vase, which means "six harmonies and peace". magnolia, begonia and peony arealso planted in the courtyard, which symbolizes the wealth of yutang. the taihustone on the south side is just the shadow wall of leshoutang. because the shapeis like ganoderma lucidum and cyan. so it's called qingzhixiu. there is also atrue story about qingzhixiu. in the wanli period of the ming dynasty, there wasa senior official named mi wanzhong who was addicted to stones. after he foundthis stone in the mountains of fangshan county, he wanted to transport it to hishome. but because the family ran out of money, and as a result, he lost hisfamily. therefore, the stone is also known as the "black sheep's stone", whichwas later discarded on the roadside of liangxiang. after more than a hundredyears, qianlong went to the western mausoleum to sweep the tomb. when he passedliangxiang, he saw this stone. they ordered the soldiers to transport them tothe leshou hall under construction. but because the stone was too big and thedoor was too narrow, they broke in. only because the shape of the stone issimilar to ganoderma lucidum can it be preserved.

now, let's go to the gallery. the gallery, also known as "wanjuan gallery",has 273 rooms with a total length of 728 meters, starting from the moon gate inthe east and ending at shizhang pavilion in the west. there are four beautifulpavilions, liujia, jilan, qiushui and qingyao. the corridor is like a ribbonconnecting the scenery in front of the mountain. there are more than 14000pieces of soviet style paintings in the gallery, which made it the world'slargest gallery by guinness world records in 1900.

finally, i'd like to introduce qing yanfang, which is located at the westend of the corridor. when emperor qianlong built qingyi garden, he used theallusions of wei zheng to persuade cambodian li shimin by borrowing the versesin er jing fu. the qing yan boat was built in the courtyard. it is used toencourage oneself and to warn future generations. this is the place where theemperors enjoyed tea and the scenery of kunming lake. emperor qianlong also setfree here. when it was rebuilt in the reign of guangxu, machine wheels wereinstalled on both sides of the stone ship, which seemed like a western ship.


hello, everyone. today we are going to visit the largest and most completeroyal palace complex in the world,

the palace museum is located in the center of beijing, formerly known asthe forbidden city. it was built in the fifth year of yongle in ming dynasty andcompleted in the 18th year of yongle in 15 years. it is the palace of 24emperors in ming and qing dynasties. its name is borrowed from zihui ng an area of 720000 square meters, it is rectangular, 960 meters longfrom north to south and 750 meters wide from east to west. it is surrounded by a50 meter wide moat and a 10 meter high city wall. there are more than 9000rooms.

it has a history of nearly 600 years. it is the largest and best preservedroyal palace complex in the world. this group of large-scale buildings is builtaccording to the principle of "front dynasty, back room, zuozu and youshe" in"zhouli kaogongji", with rigorous structure, brilliant color and regularlayout.

the palace museum is pided into two parts: the former dynasty and thelatter. the former dynasty was the main place for emperors to hold ceremoniesand summon officials. the central buildings were taihe hall, zhonghe hall andbaohe hall, as well as wenhua hall and wuying hall. the harem can also bepided into three parts. they are the main palace with the theme of qianqingpalace, jiaotai palace and kunningguan palace, the east palace with the theme offengxian palace and huangji palace, and the west palace with the theme ofyangxin palace and chuxiu palace.

the palace museum has four gates. the main gate is the meridian gate in thesouth, donghua gate in the east, xihua gate in the west and shenwu gate in thenorth.

from tian'anmen gate to the north is duanmen gate. you can see the meridiangate when you cross the duanmen gate. meridian gate is the main gate of theforbidden city. it was rebuilt in the fourth year of shunzhi. it is a doubleeaves veranda roof building with 95 bays and 35 meters in height. its plane isconcave, with four double eaves pavilions on each wing. it is commonly known aswufenglou. the small square in front of the meridian gate can hold more than20000 people. on the first day of the tenth month of the lunar calendar, theemperor presented a almanac. in case of going to war or offering prisoners, theemperor issued an order at the meridian gate or accepted the surrender ofprisoners. all the ministers who were criticized as "rebellious scale" forangering the emperor came to the meridian gate to receive the "imperial staff".according to the records, two times in the fourteenth year of zhengde and thethird year of jiajing of ming dynasty, people were killed by the imperialstaff.

after the meridian gate, you can see a zigzag, jade belt like artificialriver, which is the jade belt river. the five exquisitely carved white marblebridges across the river, yudai bridge, is the only way to the three halls ofthe former dynasty.

the three halls of the former dynasty, commonly known as the three mainhalls, are taihe hall, zhonghe hall and baohe hall in turn. they are the mainbuildings on the central axis and the tallest buildings in the forbiddencity.

the hall of taihe can be seen through the gate of taihe where the emperorof ming dynasty listened to the government. taihe hall, commonly known as"jinluan hall", was built in yongle period of ming dynasty. it was destroyed andbuilt many times. it was once called fengtian hall and huangji hall. finally, itwas rebuilt in shunzhi period of qing dynasty and renamed taihe hall. with aheight of about 35 meters and a width of about 63 meters from east to west, and12 red pillars on the front, it was the largest wooden structure building inbeijing at that time. the base was built with white marble and aiqing stoneabout 10 meters high. the base is surrounded by a stone pillar with the patternof cloud dragon and cloud phoenix. at the bottom of the base, there are morethan a thousand white jade dragon heads carved with holes for drainage. in caseof rain, we can see the wonderful landscape of "thousand dragons spittingwater". there are 18 incense burners on both sides of the stone steps, and 4bronze pots on the balcony in front of the hall. the copper tortoises and craneson the left and right symbolize the longevity of the emperor and empressrespectively. the sundial in the east symbolizes being ordered by ng in the west symbolizes the emperor's justice. there are 48 big columnsin the hall. in the middle is a flat bed, on which there is a gold lacquerdragon throne. on the top of the hall, there is the meaning of "caisson" tosuppress fire. there is a dragon with a pearl in its mouth on the middle coated with mercury, known as "xuanyuan mirror.". it seems that theemperor who ascended the throne was a descendant of the emperor xuanyuan.

the main function of the hall of supreme harmony is to celebrate the threefestivals of new year's day, winter solstice and longevity every year. nationalceremonies such as the new emperor's accession to the throne, the issuance ofimportant imperial edicts, and the issuance of new jinshi huang bang are alsoheld here.

zhonghe hall, located behind the hall of dahe, is a square building with asharp top. the weather is also extraordinary. there used to be three names -huagai hall, zhongji hall and zhonghe hall. the name of this hall itselfreflects the confucian doctrine of the mean. its main functions are as follows:to wait for the time of going to court and rest in the hall of supreme harmony;to accept official congratulations. 2: the day before the emperor went to thefield, he examined the seeds and farm tools. 3: keep the emperor'sgenealogy.

baohe hall is the rear of the three main halls. the top of the mountain forthe double eaves. it also has three names - jinshen hall, jianji hall and baohehall. baohe hall had two functions in the ming dynasty: first, the emperor triedon his court clothes before going to taihe hall. 2、 at the end of each year, acelebration banquet is held here to entertain civil and military officials. inthe qing dynasty, it also had two functions: first, on the first and fifteenthday of the first month of each year, it hosted banquets for foreign vassalprinces, ministers and foreign ministers. 2、 during the reign of qianlong, theimperial examination was held in baohe palace. the palace examination is heldevery three years. the emperor made the proposition and examined it in first name is number one, the second name is top ranking, and the third nameis tanhua. palace examination began in the sui dynasty and ended in the guangxuperiod of the late qing dynasty.

after visiting the first three halls, we came to qianqing gate, the mainentrance of the back dormitory. the palace to the north of qianqingmen was theplace where the empress lived and lived. the qianqing gate is the boundarybetween the former dynasty and the later palace, where the qing emperors "listento the government". several low buildings in the west are the military aircraftdepartment, the decision-making organ of the central government set up in theyongzheng period. to the east of the qianqing gate is the upper study, which isthe reading place for the prince of the qing dynasty.

qianqing palace is the main hall of the back palace. it is also the bedroomof the ming and qing emperors and the place where they usually deal withgovernment affairs. since emperor yongzheng moved to yangxin hall, it is nolonger the emperor's dormitory. on the terrace in front of the palace are fourbronze stoves, a pair of turtles and cranes, a sundial and a jialiang. on bothsides of the terrace, there is also a "small golden hall of the country" inqianqing palace. there is a gold lacquer throne in the center and a gold lacquerscreen in the back. the plaque on it is the place where yongzheng secretlyestablished the imperial edict, which is quite mysterious. the main functions ofqianqing palace are as follows: first, the emperor dealt with daily affairshere. 2、 every new year's day, lantern festival, dragon boat festival, midautumn festival, double ninth festival, winter solstice, new year's eve and soon, we have to carry out the activities of inner court ceremony and banquet. 3、the two banquets of qianlong and kangxi in qing dynasty were also held here. inaddition, many important events and secrets of the ming dynasty that shocked thegovernment and the public took place here, such as "renyin palace incident","hongwan case", "wuzongxihuo" and "chongzhen escape".

behind the qianqing palace is the jiaotai hall. jiaotai is like"zhengtiandi jiaohe, pingan kangtai". the hall is square in shape, with 25 sealsin the center and a plaque of "inaction" of emperor kangxi hanging above. on theeast side, there is a timer invented by ancient chinese people, the copper potdrip, and on the west side, there is a big self ringing clock. in addition,there is an iron card warning eunuchs not to interfere with the year, when the queen's birthday and grand ceremony, she will receive acelebration gift in jiaotai hall. the day before the ceremony, the queen willreview the mulberry picking tools here. after that, kunning palace, the palaceof the empress of ming dynasty, was changed into a place for offering sacrificesto the emperor and getting married. dongnuange was the bridal chamber of theemperor when he got married.

at the back of the inner court is the imperial garden, formerly known asgonghouyuan. the garden covers an area of only 12000 square meters, but itcontains more than 20 buildings of different styles. in the middle of theimperial garden is tianyimen, and guotianyimen is qin'an hall. qin'an hall isthe main building in the imperial garden and the only religious building on thecentral axis of the palace, which is dedicated to xuanwu emperor. the famouslianli cypress in beijing is in the imperial garden. in the royal garden, thereare four pavilions, wanchun pavilion, fubi pavilion, qianqiu pavilion andchengrui pavilion, which symbolize the four seasons of spring, summer, autumnand winter.

the buildings in the forbidden city are the crystallization of theextraordinary skills and rich imagination of ancient chinese architects andcraftsmen. they are precious cultural heritage of china and even the world. ok,let's visit the forbidden city first.


geography overview

jiulong cave, a national scenic spot, is located in yangtou town, 17kilometers to the east of the city, the north end of liulong mountain range andthe grand canyon on the south bank of jinjiang river. there are many peaks,overlapping peaks, deep valleys, verdant bamboo trees and intact vegetation inthe scenic spot. there are magnificent karst caves, magnificent and dangerousjinjiang canyon, beautiful jinjiang (yangtou) reservoir area and new stones withhigh archaeological value the ancient cultural sites of primitive people in theage of pottery are a tourist attraction integrating appreciation and scientificresearch. jiulong cave is the main scenic spot of the scenic spot, located inthe middle of the scenic spot. the cave is spacious, majestic and numerous. themain cave is 2284 meters long, 100 meters wide, 75-80 meters high and covers anarea of more than 70000 square meters.

overview of scenic spots

jiulong cave scenic spot mainly includes jiulong cave, jinjiang canyon,jinjiang reservoir area and other scenic spots

(1) jiulong cave

jiulong cave is the main scenic spot of the scenic spot, located in themiddle of the scenic spot. the cave is spacious, majestic and numerous. the maincave is 2284 meters long, 100 meters wide, 75-80 meters high and covers an areaof more than 70000 square meters. the whole cave is pided into 8 halls and anunderground river. the hall is pided into two layers, 6 halls on the upperlayer and 2 halls on the lower layer. there are small holes connecting the upperand lower halls and the cave, which is unfathomable. inside the cave are greendragon, lobster, conch, turtle, kaiping peacock, lion, camel team, monkey group,ancient temple, god buddha, fairy and the crowd of children nestling together;the cave is full of stalagmites, stone pillars, stone curtains, stonewaterfalls, stone curtains, stone flowers, stone needles and so on. some of themare like a sea of clouds, some of them are like birds and animals, and some ofthem are like exotic flowers and plants. the three giant pillars in the thirdhall are tall and majestic. the most prominent one is the "jiulongpan pillar",which is 39.9 meters high and 13.5 meters in circumference. there are nine stonedragons winding around the pillar body, which is powerful and lifelike.

according to legend, there are six green dragons and three yellow dragonsin liulong mountain meeting here. seeing that this cave is more like a fairylandin heaven, they all want to own it. they fight for each other and are unwillingto leave. when the rooster crows and the day breaks, they can't get out of thecave, so they turn into nine stone dragons and plate them on the pillars in thecave. hence the name of jiulong cave. one kilometer to the left of jiulong cave,there is a very strange cold and hot wind tunnel. one is cool and cold, and theother is warm and warm. it's amazing and memorable.

(2) jinjiang gorge

located in the jiulong cave scenic area, it stretches for ten miles. thereare many isolated peaks and caves, which are very spectacular. here we mainlyintroduce the guanyin mountain and liantai peak in the canyon, which integratetourism and buddhism. guanyin mountain, located on the right side of jiulongcave, is majestic and majestic, with a total area of 2 square kilometers. therewere lotus temple, guanyin hall, qiuzi temple and other ancient buildings, allpainted pillars and carved beams, looking from the fence. the jinjiang river islike a belt, the canyon is flowing green, the smoke is vast, the cloud riverdances together, and the scene is extremely magnificent; liantai peak is themain peak of guanyin mountain. you can have a bird's-eye view of the clear andshining river near, and you can see the mountains from afar to the golden summitof fanjing mountain. on a foggy morning after rain, you can also encounter thevast sea of fog and the colorful "buddha light".

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(3) jinjiang (yangtou) reservoir area

from lujiadong hydropower station down the river to yangtou hydropowerstation, the flow is 24 kilometers, covering an area of 417 hectares. the greenbamboo cages on both sides of the river make the lake crystal clear. it is aman-made lake with beautiful mountains and trees.

(4) huangla cave, qingming cave, swan cave and squid cave are located nearjiulong cave. another huangla cave is located in daping township, southwest ofthe city.

liuzhi special zone is a key coal producing area in china. it is the eastgate of liupanshui city, the "liangdu of china" and the "jiangnan coal capital".it is known as the "jiangnan coal sea". transportation is very developed,mineral resources are rich, and biological resources are extremely rich.

the tourism resources of liuzhi special zone are unique. it is a uniquetourist area integrating ethnic culture, natural scenery and historical them, there are peach blossom park, jiutoushan park, antarctic mountainpark and natural cave moon palace cave (guanyin cave) in the central part; thereare langdai ancient city, stele of langdai wood city, tomb of langdai riotmartyrs and mysterious laowang mountain (gulang mountain) in the south; thereare dixi forest park in the southeast, waterfall group on baishui river andkarst cave landscape centered on luobie river; there are many caves in thesouth; in the north, there are the scenery of yanjiao ancient town, laogaoqiaoscenic spot, langlongqiao scenic spot (chuangzidong), laobudi scenic spot andsuoga ecological museum scenic spot.

combined with the rich and mysterious ethnic customs, such as the buyipeople's watch catching, the miao people's moon drying, the yi people's mountaincatching festival, and the gelao people's new year eating, liuzhi's uniquetourism landscape has attracted a large number of tourists at home and abroad,as well as ethnic culture experts and scholars. at present, liuzhi special zoneis actively carrying out the construction of dixi ecological park, yueliangheyelangbuyi cultural ecological park, yuelianghe provincial forest park, etc. thewater area behind the dam of azhu hydropower station is square kilometers, andthe water area behind the dam of guangzhao hydropower station is 51.54 squarekilometers. the line along the river will become a beautiful landscape.

liuzhi special zone is suitable for tourism in all seasons. liuzhi specialzone has a pleasant climate. the annual average temperature is 13.5-15.2 ℃, nosevere heat in summer and no severe cold in winter.

liuzhi special zone is 172 kilometers away from guiyang, the provincialcapital, and 98 kilometers away from the downtown area of liupanshui. itconnects zhenning and puding counties in the east, guanling in the south,shuicheng in the west, zhijin and nayong in the north, and qinglong and pu'ancounties in the southwest. liuzhi is located in the watershed between theyangtze river basin and the pearl river basin. in the south, there is feijiangriver in the upper reaches of beipan river, in the north, there is sancha riverin the upper reaches of wujiang river, and in the east, there is baishui river,the source of huangguoshu waterfall. there is a large drop of water flow andabundant water energy resources.

liuzhi special zone is a combination of liuzhi special zone and langdaicounty in the period of "three line construction". there are 32 ethnic groupsincluding han, yi, miao, buyi and gelao living in the area, and the minoritypopulation accounts for 30.52% of the total population of the region. minorityculture is very long.


































































1. 中國(guó)未來(lái)造就未來(lái)中國(guó)學(xué)好英語(yǔ),連接世界。

2. 加入我們,一切皆有可能!

3. 還在為孩子的英語(yǔ)擔(dān)心嗎?快來(lái)本英語(yǔ)培訓(xùn)學(xué)校吧!

4. 未來(lái)的階梯,由此刻開(kāi)始。

5. 讓孩子贏在起點(diǎn),笑在終點(diǎn)!

6. 讓每一位孩子:在英語(yǔ)中尋找樂(lè)趣,在樂(lè)趣中茁壯成長(zhǎng)。

7. 英語(yǔ)學(xué)到口,天下任你走。

8. 開(kāi)口說(shuō)英語(yǔ),英語(yǔ)我最棒。

9. 插上理想的翅膀,飛向智慧的殿堂。

10. 為了你的孩子,你還在等什么,還在猶豫什么。

11. 今天父母為了孩子的一切,明天孩子為了父母的一切。

12. 把每個(gè)孩子的一生變成一個(gè)美麗的傳說(shuō)。

13. 書香之地,養(yǎng)外文精英,成國(guó)家棟梁。

14. 學(xué)然后知不足,知不足能上進(jìn)。

15. 劍橋——孩子與英語(yǔ)成功的連心橋。

















16、塑造歡樂(lè)童年 成就理想未來(lái) !


18、歡樂(lè)英語(yǔ)童年,造就無(wú)限未來(lái) !

