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2023-04-22 20:51:09    小編:zdfb



reading passage 1

you should spend about 20 minutes on questions 1-13, which are based on reading passage 1 below.

let’s go bats

a bats have a problem: how to find their way around in the dark. they hunt at night, and cannot use light to help them find prey and avoid obstacles. you might say that this is a problem of their own making, one that they could avoid simply by changing their habits and hunting by day. but the daytime economy is already heavily exploited by other creatures such as birds. given that there is a living to be made at night, and given that alternative daytime trades are thoroughly occupied, natural selection has favoured bats that make a go of the night-hunting trade. it is probable that the nocturnal trades go way back in the ancestry of all mammals. in the time when the dinosaurs dominated the daytime economy, our mammalian ancestors probably only managed to survive at all because they found ways of scraping a living at night. only after the mysterious mass extinction of the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago were our ancestors able to emerge into the daylight in any substantial numbers.

b bats have an engineering problem: how to find their way and find their prey in the absence of light. bats are not the only creatures to face this difficulty today. obviously the night-flying insects that they prey on must find their way about somehow. deep-sea fish and whales have little or no light by day or by night. fish and dolphins that live in extremely muddy water cannot see because, although there is light, it is obstructed and scattered by the dirt in the water. plenty of other modern animals make their living in conditions where seeing is difficult or impossible.

c given the questions of how to manoeuvre in the dark, what solutions might an engineer consider? the first one that might occur to him is to manufacture light, to use a lantern or a searchlight. fireflies and some fish (usually with the help of bacteria) have the power to manufacture their own light, but the process seems to consume a large amount of energy. fireflies use their light for attracting mates. this doesn’t require a prohibitive amount of energy: a male’s tiny pinprick of light can be seen by a female from some distance on a dark night, since her eyes are exposed directly to the light source itself. however, using light to find one’s own way around requires vastly more energy, since the eyes have to detect the tiny fraction of the light that bounces off each part of the scene. the light source must therefore be immensely brighter if it is to be used as a headlight to illuminate the path, than if it is to be used as a signal to others. in any event, whether or not the reason is the energy expense, it seems to be the case that, with the possible exception of some weird deep-sea fish, no animal apart from man uses manufactured light to find its way about.

d what else might the engineer think of? well, blind humans sometimes seem to have an uncanny sense of obstacles in their path. it has been given the name ‘facial vision’, because blind people have reported that it feels a bit like the sense of touch, on the face. one report tells of a totally blind boy who could ride his tricycle at good speed round the block near his home, using facial vision. experiments showed that, in fact, facial vision is nothing to do with touch or the front of the face, although the sensation may be referred to the front of the face, like the referred pain in a phantom limb. the sensation of facial vision, it turns out, really goes in through the ears. blind people, without even being aware of the fact, are actually using echoes of their own footsteps and of other sounds, to sense the presence of obstacles. before this was discovered, engineers had already built instruments to exploit the principle, for example to measure the depth of the sea under a ship. after this technique had been invented, it was only a matter of time before weapons designers adapted it for the detection of submarines. both sides in the second world war relied heavily on these devices, under such codenames as asdic (british) and sonar (american), as well as radar (american) or rdf (british), which uses radio echoes rather than sound echoes.

e the sonar and radar pioneers didn’t know it then, but all the world now knows that bats, or rather natural selection working on bats, had perfected the system tens of millions of years earlier, and their ‘radar’ achieves feats of detection and navigation that would strike an engineer dumb with admiration. it is technically incorrect to talk about bat ‘radar’, since they do not use radio waves. it is sonar. but the underlying mathematical theories of radar and sonar are very similar, and much of our scientific understanding of the details of what bats are doing has come from applying radar theory to them. the american zoologist donald griffin, who was largely responsible for the discovery of sonar in bats, coined the term ‘echolocation’ to cover both sonar and radar, whether used by animals or by human instruments.

questions 1-5

reading passage 1 has five paragraphs, a-e.

which paragraph contains the following information?

write the correct letter, a-e, in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.

nb you may use any letter more than once.

1 examples of wildlife other than bats which do not rely on vision to navigate by

2 how early mammals avoided dying out

3 why bats hunt in the dark

4 how a particular discovery has helped our understanding of bats

5 early military uses of echolocation

questions 6-9

complete the summary below.

choose one word only from the passage for each answer.

write your answers in boxes 6-9 on your answer sheet.

facial vision

blind people report that so-called ‘facial vision’ is comparable to the sensation of touch on the face. in fact, the sensation is more similar to the way in which pain from a 6……………arm or leg might be felt. the ability actually comes from perceiving 7……………through the ears. however, even before this was understood, the principle had been applied in the design of instruments which calculated the 8………………of the seabed. this was followed by a wartime application in devices for finding 9…………………………

questions 10-13

complete the sentences below.

choose no more than two words from the passage for each answer.

write your answers in boxes 10-13 on your answer sheet.

10 long before the invention of radar, …………… had resulted in a sophisticated radar-like system in bats.

11 radar is an inaccurate term when referring to bats because………… are not used in their navigation system.

12 radar and sonar are based on similar ………… .

13 the word ‘echolocation’ was first used by someone working as a ……… .

reading passage 2

you should spend about 20 minutes on questions 14-26, which are based on reading passage 2 on the following pages.

questions 14-20

reading passage 2 has seven paragraphs, a-h.

choose the correct heading for paragraphs a and c-h from the list of headings below.

write the correct number, i-xi, in boxes 14-20 on your answer sheet.

list of headings

i scientists’ call for a revision of policy

ii an explanation for reduced water use

iii how a global challenge was met

iv irrigation systems fall into disuse

v environmental effects

vi the financial cost of recent technological improvements

vii the relevance to health

viii addressing the concern over increasing populations

ix a surprising downward trend in demand for water

x the need to raise standards

xi a description of ancient water supplies

14 paragraph a

example answer

paragraph b iii

15 paragraph c

16 paragraph d

17 paragraph e

18 paragraph f

19 paragraph g

20 paragraph h

making everydrop count

a the history of human civilisation is entwined with the history of the ways we have learned to manipulate water resources. as towns gradually expanded, water was brought from increasingly remote sources, leading to sophisticated engineering efforts such as dams and aqueducts. at the height of the roman empire, nine major systems, with an innovative layout of pipes and well-built sewers, supplied the occupants of rome with as much water per person as is provided in many parts of the industrial world today.

b during the industrial revolution and population explosion of the 19th and 20th centuries, the demand for water rose dramatically. unprecedented construction of tens of thousands of monumental engineering projects designed to control floods, protect clean water supplies, and provide water for irrigation and hydropower brought great benefits to hundreds of millions of people. food production has kept pace with soaring populations mainly because of the expansion of artificial irrigation systems that make possible the growth of 40 % of the world’s food. nearly one fifth of all the electricity generated worldwide is produced by turbines spun by the power of falling water.

c yet there is a dark side to this picture: despite our progress, half of the world’s population still suffers, with water services inferior to those available to the ancient greeks and romans. as the united nations report on access to water reiterated in november 2001, more than one billion people lack access to clean drinking water; some two and a half billion do not have adequate sanitation services. preventable water-related diseases kill an estimated 10,000 to 20,000 children every day, and the latest evidence suggests that we are falling behind in efforts to solve these problems.

d the consequences of our water policies extend beyond jeopardising human health. tens of millions of people have been forced to move from their homes — often with little warning or compensation — to make way for the reservoirs behind dams. more than 20 % of all freshwater fish species are now threatened or endangered because dams and water withdrawals have destroyed the free-flowing river ecosystems where they thrive. certain irrigation practices degrade soil quality and reduce agricultural productivity. groundwater aquifers_are being pumped down faster than they are naturally replenished in parts of india, china, the usa and elsewhere. and disputes over shared water resources have led to violence and continue to raise local, national and even international tensions.

_underground stores of water

e at the outset of the new millennium, however, the way resource planners think about water is beginning to change. the focus is slowly shifting back to the provision of basic human and environmental needs as top priority — ensuring ‘some for all,’ instead of ‘more for some’. some water experts are now demanding that existing infrastructure be used in smarter ways rather than building new facilities, which is increasingly considered the option of last, not first, resort. this shift in philosophy has not been universally accepted, and it comes with

test 1 passage 1參考譯文:





d工程師們還能想到什么呢?比如盲人,他們好像對路上的障礙有著不可思議的直覺。人們把這叫做“面感視覺”,因為據(jù)盲人說感覺到有障礙物的時候就像臉部被觸摸一樣。一則報道稱一位完全失明的男孩能憑借面感視覺繞著附近街區(qū)快速騎三輪車實驗表明面感視覺實際上與“感”和“面”沒有任何關(guān)系,盡管這種感覺可能被認為源自面部正前方,正如幻肢中的牽涉性痛感一樣。事實上,面感視覺是通過耳朵傳輸?shù)摹1M管盲人并沒有意識到這一點,但實際生活中他們的確在運用自己的步伐以及其他聲苦的回聲來感覺路上障礙物的存在這個事實沒有被發(fā)觀之前,其實工程師們已經(jīng)利用這條原理制造了很多設(shè)備,比如用回聲來測量船底海洋的深度。在這項技術(shù)發(fā)明之后,武器制造者很快就將其改良來偵測潛水艇。二戰(zhàn)期間,交戰(zhàn)雙方都充分運用了這些設(shè)備,代號分別是英國的asdic和美國的sonar以及美國的radar或是英國的 rdf,后兩者使用了雷達回聲技術(shù)而非聲波回聲技術(shù)。

e 當(dāng)時的雷達聲吶技術(shù)先驅(qū)們毫不知情,但現(xiàn)在所有人都明白了正是蝙蝠,或者說是自然選擇在蝙蝠身上鬼斧神工,早在幾百萬年前就已經(jīng)使這種技術(shù)達到完美境界,而蝙蝠的“雷達”在探測及導(dǎo)航方面取得的完美成果足以讓人類工程師佩服到啞口無言。從技術(shù)角度講,說蝙蝠有雷達功能是不準(zhǔn)確的,因為它們并沒有運用無線電波,而只是運用了聲吶系統(tǒng)。但實際上雷達和聲吶的基本原理是非常相似的,而且大多數(shù)關(guān)于蝙蝠行為細節(jié)的科學(xué)理解都是利用雷達理論完成的。美國動物學(xué)家donald griffin教授第一個發(fā)現(xiàn)蝙蝠利用聲吶技術(shù),由此,他創(chuàng)造出了一個新的詞匯:回聲定位。這個詞涵蓋了動物和人類所利用的雷達及聲吶系統(tǒng)。

test 1 passage 2 參考譯文:



b 在19世紀(jì)和20世紀(jì)工業(yè)革命及人口擴張時期,水的需求量集聚增長。此時,出現(xiàn)了史無前例的大型水利工程:這些數(shù)以萬計的水利工程旨在防洪,保證清潔水資源的供應(yīng),提供足夠的水用于農(nóng)田灌溉和水力發(fā)電,這造福了上千萬人。食品供應(yīng)能跟上人口劇增主要是由于人工灌溉系統(tǒng)的增長使得世界糧食產(chǎn)量提高了40%。世界上五分之一的電都是通過水力推動渦輪機而產(chǎn)生的。

c 當(dāng)然我們也要看到事情不足的一面:雖然我們?nèi)〉昧诉M步,但世界上仍有一半的人口享受的供水服務(wù)還比不上古希臘和古羅馬時期。正如聯(lián)合國2001年9月在關(guān)于飲用水權(quán)利的報告中指出的那樣:全世界仍然有超過10億的人口無法獲得干凈的飲用水,25億人缺乏充足的衛(wèi)生設(shè)施。每天有1~2萬名兒童死于與水相關(guān)的各種可預(yù)防疾病,而最新證據(jù)表明我們解決上述問題的力度還遠遠不夠。



f 出人意料的是,人們對水的需求量所幸并沒有像某些人預(yù)測的那樣劇增。因此過去20年中,建設(shè)新水利項目的壓力也隨之漸漸消退。盡管在發(fā)達國家,人口仍然急劇膨脹,工業(yè)和經(jīng)濟依然高速發(fā)展,但人們開采地下水和地表水的速度卻減緩了下來。在全球某些地區(qū),人們對水資源的需求量甚至下降了。

g 這個顯著的轉(zhuǎn)變究竟該如何解決呢?我想大致有兩個因素:其一,人們已經(jīng)懂得如何更有效的利用水資源,社會各界也在重新思考各自用水的優(yōu)先權(quán)。在20實際的前75年間,人均用水量增加了一倍。在美國,人口增長了4倍,而用水量竟然翻了10倍。但自從1980年以來,人均用水量下降了,這主要得益于一系列新技術(shù)在家庭及工業(yè)節(jié)水方面的作用。例如,字1965年,日本要用1300萬加侖的水才能產(chǎn)出100萬美元的商業(yè)價值,而截至到1989年,就算算上了通貨膨脹,只用350萬加侖的水就足以產(chǎn)出相同的商業(yè)價值了,這幾乎相當(dāng)于原來產(chǎn)出的4倍。在美國,水資源的使用已經(jīng)從80年代的頂峰時期下降了20%。

h 另一方面,水庫、引水渠以及其他水利設(shè)施還是需要休假的,特別是在發(fā)展中國家基本水資源仍不能保證供應(yīng)的地區(qū)。但與過去相比,這些水利設(shè)施的建設(shè)一定要更加規(guī)范化,要對當(dāng)?shù)氐娜嗣龀龈蛹氈碌恼f明,同時還需要考慮環(huán)保的要求。即使既定地區(qū)水利工程建設(shè)似乎已得到保證,我們也要想辦法用較少的資源滿足較多需求,保護當(dāng)?shù)厣鷳B(tài),并做到少花錢、多辦事。

test 1 passage 3 參考譯文:


bernie neville的《暗示教學(xué)法》一書,主要著眼于激進的新式學(xué)習(xí)方法,講述了情感、想象力以及潛意識在學(xué)習(xí)過程中所起的作用。書中討論到了由geaorge lozanov提出的一個理論,那就是暗示的力量。



外語學(xué)習(xí)中的暗示教學(xué)法是這一理論的絕佳例證。這種方法最新的改良版本(1980年)是學(xué)生邊聽音樂邊朗讀單詞和課文。第一節(jié)課被分成了兩部分:第一部分中,教師會伴隨著古典音樂(莫扎特,貝多芬,勃拉姆斯)的旋律以緩慢且莊嚴(yán)的語調(diào)朗讀課文。學(xué)生則跟著看課文。接著是數(shù)分鐘的靜默。下一部分中,學(xué)生們要聽的是巴洛克音樂(巴赫. 柯瑞里,亨德爾),此時教師用正常的語音語速朗讀,而學(xué)生將書本合上。整節(jié)課上學(xué)生的注意力都是被動的,他們只是聽音樂而并不學(xué)習(xí)課本內(nèi)容。








question 1


關(guān)鍵詞:wildlife other than bats. . . do not rely on vision. . .

定位原文:b段第2句: “bats are not the only creatures to face this difficulty today”.

解題思路: 題目問哪一段舉出了除了蝙蝠之外不需要視覺導(dǎo)航的物種的例子,b段中說了被捕獵的昆蟲、深海魚類、鯨魚、海豚等物種在鮮有光線或者完全黑暗的環(huán)境下是如何生活的,比較容易定位。

question 2


關(guān)鍵詞: early mammals avoid dying out

定位原文: a段倒數(shù)第2句: “in the time when the dinosaurs …”

解題思路: ancestors 等同于early mammals, survive 等同于avoid dying out。

question 3


關(guān)鍵詞: why … hunt in the dark

定位原文: a段第5句: “given that there is a living...”

解題思路: 聯(lián)系上下文,對應(yīng)句說了物競天擇使蝙蝠晚上捕食,后面說了這個可能追溯到過去,那時恐龍白天捕食,使哺乳動物不得不晚上捕食

question 4


關(guān)鍵詞:a particular discovery

定位原文: e段倒數(shù)第2句話 “… and much of our scientific understanding of the details...”

解題思路: 理解定位句意義:大多數(shù)關(guān)于蝙蝠行為細節(jié)的科學(xué)理解都是利用雷達理論完成的

question 5


關(guān)鍵詞: early military echolocation

定位原文: d段倒數(shù)第2句和最后1句: “after this technique had been invented....” “both sides in the second world war ...”

解題思路: 第二次世界大戰(zhàn)可以對應(yīng)early一詞。

question 6


關(guān)鍵詞: facial vision / pain / arm or leg

定位原文: d段第5句 “… like the referred pain in a phantom limb”

解題思路: 通過填空題的小標(biāo)題“facial vision”,首先可以把此題迅速定位到文章的d段,緊接著可以在d段的第5句尋找到定位關(guān)鍵詞referred pain。

question 7


關(guān)鍵詞:perceiving / ears

定位原文: d段第6句、第7句 “the sensation of facial vision… the presence of obstacles”.

解題思路: 此題需要將兩句話放在一起理解:而感視覺是通過耳朵傳輸?shù)?,盡管盲人并沒有意識到這一點,但現(xiàn)實生活中他們的確在運用自己的步伐以及其他聲音的回聲來感覺路上障礙物的存在。perceive一詞在雅思學(xué)術(shù)類閱讀考試當(dāng)中多次出現(xiàn),是“感知;感覺;察覺”的意思,相當(dāng)于原文中的sense。綜上分析得出答案echoes或obstacles。

question 8


關(guān)鍵詞: before / instruments / calculated / seabed

定位原文: d段倒數(shù)第3句: “… for example to measure the depth of the sea under a ship”

解題思路: 按照解題順序,找到介詞before,接著找到instruments,并很快找到題目中關(guān)鍵詞 calculated的同義同measure,然后就以順利找到正確答案depth。

question 9


關(guān)鍵詞:wartime / finding

定位原文: d段倒數(shù)第2句:“after this technique had been invented…”

解題思路: 看到weapons designers 可以聯(lián)想到wartime, detection是探測的意思,與題目中的finding同義,由此可知答案是submarines. 這里特別提醒考生,如果不變復(fù)數(shù)是不得分的。

question 10

答案: natural selection

關(guān)鍵詞:radar/ resulted in/ radar-like / bats

定位原文: e段第1句: “… or rather natural selection…”

解題思路: 題目:早在雷達發(fā)明之前,是什么在蝙蝠身上進化出了復(fù)雜的類雷達系統(tǒng)呢? sophisticated一詞指“稍密的;復(fù)雜的”。根據(jù)題意, 考生需要尋找一個蝙蝠擁有精確定位本領(lǐng)的原因。原因連接詞在這用并沒有出現(xiàn),但perfect一詞卻可以告訴我們是自然選擇使然,所以正確答案是 natural selection。

question 11

答案:radio waves/echoes

關(guān)鍵詞: not used

定位原文: e段第2句: “it is technically incorrect to…”

解題思路: 題目說蝙蝠也使用雷達實際上是不正確的,因為在導(dǎo)航的時候它們根本沒有使用____。not used是關(guān)鍵詞,題目中以被動語態(tài)的形式出現(xiàn),文章中則變成主動語態(tài),但因為核心動詞use 沒有改變,所以此題很簡單,正確答案是radio waves。

question 12

答案:mathematical theories

關(guān)鍵詞:radar / sonar/ similar

定位原文: e段第4句: “but the underlying mathematical theories…”

解題思路: 題目:雷達和聲吶是基于相似的____。先在e段后部找到radar和sonar兩個關(guān)鍵詞,接著找到similar,空里要填的名詞應(yīng)該就不遠了。此處語序有所變動,但是仍然很容易找到答案mathematical theories,因為題干中要求最多用兩個詞填空,因此前面的underlying就不能填了。

question 13


關(guān)鍵詞: echolocation/ first / someone

定位原文: e段最后1句: “the american zoologist…”

解題思路: 第一次使用聲吶一詞的人的職業(yè)是____。只要知道coin詞有“發(fā)明;創(chuàng)造;杜撰”的意思,就能輕易聯(lián)想到first used。而根據(jù)文章,這個詞是由一個叫donald griffin的zoologist發(fā)明的,由此得出答案。

test 1 passage 2

question 14



定位原文: a段最后1句出現(xiàn)了the roman empire

解題思路: 本段第1句定下了段落的主要內(nèi)容為古代對水資源的管理,接下來講了城鎮(zhèn)的發(fā)展帶來大壩和引水渠的發(fā)展,最后講述了羅馬帝國鼎盛時期的水利系統(tǒng)。因此本段的主題是古代的供水系統(tǒng)。

question 15

答案: vii


定位原文: c段倒數(shù)第2句出現(xiàn) sanitation, 最后一句“preventable water-related diseases kill…”

解題思路: c段最后1句說到:每天大約1-2萬名兒童死于與水相關(guān)的各種可預(yù)防性疾病,新證據(jù)表明我們解決上述問題的力度還遠遠不夠。雖然不能夠在首句就感覺到這一段是在談健康與水供給之間的關(guān)系,但是看了下面的文字,就可感覺到作者在談健康,特別是sanitation一詞出現(xiàn)后,基本可以確定答案是vii 。

question 16

答案: v


定位原文: d段從第2句開始的整個段落

解題思路: d段是一個描述性段落。第1句話就說“我們水資源政策的后果遠非僅僅危及人類健康那么簡單”,承上啟下,顯然這一段不是講健康了,但同時我們也更加確認c段是在講健康方面的問題,那么個人健康講完了,要不要講一下地球的健康呢?于是考生在這一段找到了freshwater fish… threatened… endangered… degrade… soil quality… reduce… agricultural productivity… 等等與環(huán)境相關(guān)的同語,所以不必讀到最后,考生應(yīng)該已經(jīng)能夠看出這道題目的答案是v。

question 17


關(guān)鍵詞:revision, policy

定位原文: e段第1句

解題思路: e段首句說: “at the outset of the new millennium,however,the way resource planners think about water is beginning to change”. 這句話當(dāng)中的changed正好可以與revision相對應(yīng)。在第三句考生還可以找到some water experts are now demanding…,這就對上了答案中的scientists call for。在下面考生還可以找到this shift in philosophy,這一點又可以對應(yīng)policy. 縱觀全段,shift, shifting等表示變化的詞不斷出現(xiàn),所以最合適的答案就是i。

question 18

答案: ix

關(guān)鍵詞:surprisingly downward

定位原文: f段第1句

解題思路: f段首句說:fortunately — and unexpectedly — the demand for water is not rising as rapidly as some predicted. f段末句提到:and in a few parts of the world, demand has actually fallen. 合起來看,正好可以與heading當(dāng)中的“令人驚奇的下降趨勢”相對照,很好選擇的一題。

question 19

答案: ii

關(guān)鍵詞:explanation, reduced

定位原文: g段第1句

解題思路: “what explains this remarkable turn of events?” 此句中的turn of events指的就是f段中提到的水需求量下降一事,所以答案應(yīng)該選擇ii。如果考生把f段和g段連起來看的話,會發(fā)現(xiàn)選項的邏輯連貫性。

ix: a surprising downward trend in demand for water

ii: an explanation for reduced water use

question 20

答案: x

關(guān)鍵詞:raise, standard

定位原文: h段第2句: “but such projects must be…”

解題思路: h段第2句的higher specifications等于選項中的raise standards,也比較容易理解答案是x。

question 21


關(guān)鍵詞:ancient rome

定位原文: a段最后1句:“at the height of the roman empire…” 在羅馬帝國鼎盛時期,人們修建了9 條主要水利系統(tǒng),其疏水管道和污水管道均以革新的方式鋪設(shè),為城區(qū)居民提供用水。當(dāng)時羅馬城內(nèi)居民人均用水量和現(xiàn)今工業(yè)社會很多地區(qū)的人均用水量相當(dāng)。

解題思路:關(guān)鍵詞是as much…as,這個詞組與題干中的higher than相抵觸,兩者明顯不符。所以答案為no。

question 22

答案: yes

關(guān)鍵詞: irrigation system 或者按照順序原則定位在b段

定位原文: b段倒數(shù)第2句: “food production has kept pace with …” 食品供應(yīng)能跟得上人口猛增主要是由于人工灌溉系統(tǒng)的增長使得世界糧食產(chǎn)量提高了40%

解題思路: 題中的feeding increasing population在文中對應(yīng)food production has kept pace with soaring populations, 題中的due primarily to變成文中的mainly because of, 而題中的 improved irrigation system則成了文中的expansion of artificial irrigation systems。

question 23

答案:not given

關(guān)鍵詞:ancient greeks and romans

定位原文: 在c段第1句 “…with water services inferior to those available to the ancient greeks and romans” 世界上有一半的人口享受的供水服務(wù)還比不上古希臘和古羅馬時期

解題思路: 題干中的古希臘、古羅馬終于出現(xiàn)了,但是周圍根本沒有任何語句表明現(xiàn)代人模仿了他們的水利系統(tǒng),從上面這句話也完全無法推出這個結(jié)論,可見題目是無中生有,屬于完全沒有提及型的 not given。

question 24


關(guān)鍵詞: industrial growth

定位原文: f段第3句、第4句: “ although population, industrial output… has actually fallen”. 盡管在發(fā)達國家,人口仍然急劇膨脹,工業(yè)和經(jīng)濟依然高速發(fā)展,但人們開采地下水和地表水的速度卻減緩了下來。在全球某些地區(qū),人們對水資源的需求量甚至下降了。

解題思路: 題目中稱工業(yè)增長使水需求量整體上升,而文中卻說速度放緩,甚至需求量下降,兩者顯然是抵觸的,所以答案是no。

question 25


關(guān)鍵詞:modem technologies, domestic或者跟隨24題順序找到g段

定位原文: g段第4句 “but since 1980…” 但自從 1980年以來,人均用水量確實是下降了,這主要得益于一系列新技術(shù)在家庭及工業(yè)節(jié)水方面的作用。

解題思路: 文中的decreased對應(yīng)題目中的reduction, 都指需水量的下降。這是一道很容易辨別的yes。

question 26

答案:not given

關(guān)鍵詞: government, water infrastructures

定位原文: h段位于第1句的infrastructure

解題思路: 原文只是說未來還會建各種設(shè)施,但沒有提到國家是否應(yīng)該擁有水利設(shè)施

test 1 passage 3

question 27


關(guān)鍵詞:educating psyche

定位原文: 第1段首句:“educating psyche by bemie neville is …”

解題思路: 作者開篇就揭示了本書的主要內(nèi)容,是關(guān)于激進的新型教學(xué)法的。題干中的 mainly concern 等同于文中的look at; radical new兩個形容詞等同于d選項中的not traditional,因此可以判定正確答案是d。個別同學(xué)會被c困擾,因為貌似emotion, imagination, unconscious 這樣的詞在文中第一段也出現(xiàn)了,仔細辨別the effects of emotion, imagination and the unconscious on learning這句話,就會發(fā)現(xiàn)它說的是情感,想象力和潛意識對學(xué)習(xí)的影響,而不是c答案中情感對想象力及潛意識的影響,這是典型的混淆項。

question 28

答案: a

關(guān)鍵詞:lozanov’s theory

定位原文: 第2段第2句 “besides the laboratory evidence for this…”

解題思路: 這句之后作者馬上舉出兩個例子:讀書和聽演講,我們沒有記住書的內(nèi)容,也沒記住演講的主題,卻能夠較易回憶起書的顏色、裝訂、字體以及演講者的容貌舉止,甚至是禮堂里壞掉的空調(diào),這些小細節(jié)與主題相比微不足道。作者所舉的例子形象地說明了題干中所說的“當(dāng)我們努力要記起什么的時候,我們記住的往往是些無關(guān)緊要的細節(jié)”,所以正確答案是a

question 29

答案: b


定位原文: 第2段

解題思路: 考生可以將c排除,因為文章并未涉及這個選項的內(nèi)容。d選項所提到的催眠在第2段根本未被提及,也可以直接排除。a和b兩項中,a與文中所述內(nèi)容不符,文中是用兩個例子來說明白我們記憶的時候,記住的往往是無關(guān)緊要的細節(jié),而不是用來說明書和演講對于促進注意力集中的重要性。因此b是正確答案,文中所舉的兩個例子相當(dāng)于論據(jù),用來證明他關(guān)于教學(xué)方法的理論是對充分根據(jù)的。

question 30



定位原文: 第3段倒數(shù)第2句 “in suggestopedia, as he called his method…”

解題思路: 選項c中 something other than the curriculum content剛好可以和上句中的shifted away from the curriculum to focus on something peripheral相對應(yīng)。即使考生根本不認識peripheral一詞,也可以從shift away這個詞組猜測出來重點被從curriculum上轉(zhuǎn)移到別的東西上去了,然后可以推出正確答案是c

question 31


關(guān)鍵詞: in the fourth paragraph

定位原文: 第4段第4句到第7句 “…the teacher reads the text slowly and solemnly… in the second part … while the teacher reads the text in a normal speaking voice.”

解題思路: 文中提到教學(xué)的兩個階段:音樂從第一階段的古典音樂到了第二階段的巴洛克式音樂,老師也從第一階段的“用緩慢且莊嚴(yán)的語調(diào)朗讀課文”變成了第二階段的“用正常聲調(diào)朗讀課文”,這就證明改變的不僅僅是音樂,還有老師的朗讀方法

question 32


關(guān)鍵詞:prior to

定位原文: 文章第5段第2句: “through meeting with the staff…” 通過與老師以及對這種語言學(xué)習(xí)方式感到滿意的學(xué)生的交流,他們形成了一種期待:那就是接下來的學(xué)習(xí)將是簡單輕松的

解題思路: 原文中的easy and pleasant與題目中的demanding互相矛盾,由此可知答案應(yīng)為false

question 33



定位原文: 第6段第4句:“such methods are not unusual in language teaching”

解題思路: 這些方式在語言教學(xué)中十分尋常。言外之意,暗示教學(xué)法跟進課程中所用的教學(xué)方法比如games或者improvised dramatisation,在普通教學(xué)中也被用到,推測一下,即為跟進課程使用了與傳統(tǒng)課堂相似的教學(xué)方法。

question 34

答案:not given

關(guān)鍵詞:improvements in their memory

定位原文: 第6段最后1句 “another difference from conventional teaching is …” 與傳統(tǒng)教學(xué)模式不同的是,在間接暗示方法下,學(xué)生通??梢暂p易記住1000個生詞以及語法點和成語。

解題思路: 作者僅僅是說采用暗示方法的學(xué)生記往了1000個單詞,這高于傳統(tǒng)教學(xué)方法的成果。但是并沒有說記住1000個單詞,就代表他們的記憶能力有了所謂的提高,從文中給出的證據(jù),我們是無法推知這個結(jié)論的。因此答案是not given

question 35

答案:not given


定位原文: 第6段最后1句 “another difference from conventional teaching is …”

解題思路: 文中提到了suggestopedia及conventional teaching,但主要講了兩者的區(qū)別與聯(lián)系,并未標(biāo)明教師對兩者的偏好,因此答案為not given.

question 36


關(guān)鍵詞: new vocabulary

定位原文: 第6段最后1句 “another difference from conventional teaching is …” (與傳統(tǒng)教學(xué)模式的另外一點不同就是在間接暗示方法下,學(xué)生通??梢暂p易記住1000個生詞以及語法點和成語。)

解題思路: conventional teaching等同于題目中的ordinary class, difference 一詞就暗示了暗示教學(xué)法比傳統(tǒng)教學(xué)方法的進步,而后面強調(diào)學(xué)生在暗示方法下可以記住多達1000個新詞,顯然比在傳統(tǒng)教學(xué)方法下記憶的更多。因此答案是true.

question 37

答案: f

關(guān)鍵詞:hypnosis/ however/a certain amount/convince

定位原文: 第7段第4句: “l(fā)ozanov acknowledges that …”

解題思路: 與其他如催眠那樣的方法相比,暗示教學(xué)法使用了一種不那么直接的暗示方法。然而,lonazov承認為了說服學(xué)生,一定量的37還是必要的,盡管37只是一種38。

從lozanov acknowledges向后尋找,很快找到a這個冠詞,后而就是38空要填的詞h placebo,返回頭尋找曾經(jīng)出現(xiàn)在詞庫里的名詞,考生就得到了f ritual

question 38


關(guān)鍵詞:hypnosis/ however/a certain amount/convince

定位原文: 第7段第4句: “l(fā)ozanov acknowledges that …”

解題思路: 從lozanov acknowledges向后尋找,很快找到a這個冠詞,后而就是38空要填的詞h placebo

question 39

答案: k

關(guān)鍵詞:follow a set procedure/ although/most other teacher

定位原文: 最后1段第1句: “while suggestopedia has gained…”

解題思路: 題目中的句子翻譯為:再者,如果暗示教學(xué)法要取得成功,教師就必須遵循一套教學(xué)流程。盡管lozanov的方法已經(jīng)變得很 39 ,然而大多數(shù)其他教師的使用結(jié)果都是40

文章中說暗示教學(xué)法gained some notoriety. notoriety是此題關(guān)鍵,本來此詞是臭名昭著的意思,但在這里貶義褒用,取著名之意。那么k well known 顯然就比spectacular更合適了,故39 題應(yīng)該選k。

question 40

答案: g

關(guān)鍵詞: follow a set procedure/ although/most other teacher

定位原文: 最后1段第1句: “while suggestopedia has gained…”

解題思路: 根據(jù)文章,l的方法是spectacular的。那么教師的結(jié)果應(yīng)該與之相反,因此40空應(yīng)該填g unspectacular。












