
英文情詩(shī)請(qǐng)?jiān)试S我成為你的夏季賞析附翻譯怎么寫 請(qǐng)?jiān)试S我成為你的夏季英語(yǔ)(5篇)

格式:DOC 上傳日期:2022-12-30 17:38:41 頁(yè)碼:11
英文情詩(shī)請(qǐng)?jiān)试S我成為你的夏季賞析附翻譯怎么寫 請(qǐng)?jiān)试S我成為你的夏季英語(yǔ)(5篇)
2022-12-30 17:38:41    小編:ZTFB



mr. and mrs. j. a. brown

at the marriage of their daughter

elizabeth smith


mr. john frederick hamilton

saturday, the twenty-ninth of september

at four o'clock p.m.

church of heavenly rest

new york



茲定于九月二十九日(星期六)下午四時(shí)在紐約天安教堂為小女伊麗莎白.史密斯與約翰?弗雷德里克.漢密爾頓先生舉行婚禮,屆時(shí)恭請(qǐng) 光臨。




dear sir/madam,

this is the invitation from xxx co., ltd. we will participate in the xxx exhibition, the world’s leading global xxx convention. you and your company representatives are sincerely welcome to visit our booth. our information about this event is as follows,

exhibition name

booth number



website of our company

we are specializing in producing xxx parts used in the xxx field. with the rich experience and professional produce, our products’ quality always meets the high standard requirements of our customers. we have learned that your company has enjoyed a great reputation in the fiber communication field for many years. we are very expecting to establish a long term and good business relationship with your company in the near future. it would be a great pleasure to meet you at the exhibition so that we can introduce our products. you may find something meeting your need.

if you have any question or enquiry, please don’t hesitate to contact me. we are looking forward to seeing you there and exchanging our opinions.

best regard,


company name











合 同 contract

日期: 合同號(hào)碼:

date: contract no.:

買 方: (the buyers)


賣方: (the sellers)


本合同雙方,公司(以下稱甲方)與(以下稱乙方), 在平等互利基礎(chǔ)上,通過友好協(xié)商,于 某年某月某日在中國(guó)(地址),特簽訂本合同

this contract is hereby (特此) made and concluded by and between co.,(hereinafter referred to as party a) and co.,(hereinafter referred to as party b) on (date),in (place), china, on the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through amicable(friendly) consultation 雙方有爭(zhēng)議,應(yīng)首先通過友好協(xié)商解決

all disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations


this contract is made by the buyers and the sellers; whereby the buyers agree tobuy and the sellers agree to sell the following goods subject to the terms and conditions as stipulated follow:

(1) 商品名稱、規(guī)格、質(zhì)量name of commodity、specifications quality of commodity

(2) 數(shù) 量:quantity:允許----的溢短裝 ---% more or less allowed

(3) 單 價(jià): unit price:

(4) 總 值:total value/ total amount

(5) 包 裝:packing:

貨物應(yīng)具有防潮、防銹蝕、防震并適用于海洋運(yùn)輸?shù)陌b,由于貨物包裝不良而造成的貨物殘損、滅失應(yīng)由賣方負(fù)責(zé)。賣方應(yīng)在每個(gè)包裝箱上用不退色的顏色標(biāo)明尺碼、包裝箱、毛重、凈重、及“此端向上”“防潮”、“小心輕放”易碎fragile 等標(biāo)記。

the packing of the goods shall be preventive from dampness, rust, moisture, erosion and shock,( the packing of the goods must be well protected against dampness, moisture, rust, and be able to stand shock) and shall be suitable for ocean transportation/multiple transportation. the seller shall be liable for all damage and losses of the goods attributable to (caused by)the inadequate orimproper packing. the measurement , gross weight, net weight and the cautions such as “do not stack up side down”(this way up)”keep away from moisture” “handle with care”shall be stenciled (marked)on the surface of each package with fadeless pigment.

(6) 生產(chǎn)國(guó)別:country of origin :

(7) 支付條款:terms of payment:l/c、d/p、d/a、cod(cash on delivery)

() 信用證式:買應(yīng)在裝運(yùn)期前/合同生效后__日,開出以賣為受益人的不可撤銷的議付信用證,信用證在裝船完畢后__日內(nèi)到期。

letter of credit: the buyer shall, ______ days prior to the time of shipment /after this contract comes into effect, open an irrevocable letter of credit in favor of the seller. the letter of credit shall expire ____ days after the completion of loading of the shipment as stipulated.

() 付款交單:貨物發(fā)運(yùn)后,賣方出具以買方為付款人的付款跟單匯票,按即期付款交單(d/p)式,通過賣銀行及_____銀行向買轉(zhuǎn)交單證,換取貨物。

documents against payment: after shipment, the seller shall draw a sight bill of exchange on the buyer and deliver the documents through sellers bank and ______ bank to the buyer against payment, i.e d/p. the buyer shall effect the payment immediately upon the first presentation of the bill(s) of exchange.

即期付款交單d/p at sight

跟單匯票documentary draft

upon first presentation the buyer shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the seller at sight. the shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only.


() 承兌交單:貨物發(fā)運(yùn)后,賣出具以買為付款人的付款跟單匯票,付款期限為____后__日,按即期承兌交單(d/a__日)式,通過賣銀行及______銀行,經(jīng)買承兌后,向買轉(zhuǎn)交單證,買在匯票期限到期時(shí)支付貨款。

documents against acceptance: after shipment, the seller shall draw a sight bill of exchange, payable_____ days after the buyers delivers the document through seller’s bank and _________bank to the buyer against

acceptance (d/a ___ days). the buyer shall make the payment on date of the bill of exchange.

() 貨到付款:買在收到貨物后__天內(nèi)將全部貨款支付賣(不適用于fob、crf、cif術(shù)語(yǔ))。

cash on delivery (cod): the buyer shall pay to the seller total amount within ______ days after the receipt of the goods (this clause is not applied to the terms of fob, cfr, cif).

(8) 保 險(xiǎn):insurance:由----按發(fā)票金額110%投保--- 險(xiǎn)和---附加險(xiǎn)

insurance shall be covered by the ----for 110% of the invoice value against-----risks and additional risks

(9) 裝運(yùn)期限: time of shipment:

(10) 起 運(yùn) 港:port of lading:

(11) 目 的 港: port of destination:

單據(jù)(documents required):


the seller shall present the following documents required to the bank for negotiation/collection:

() 標(biāo)明通知收貨人/受貨代理人的全套清潔的、已裝船的、空白抬頭、空白背書并注明運(yùn)費(fèi)已付/到付的海運(yùn)/聯(lián)運(yùn)/陸運(yùn)提單。

full set of clean on board ocean/combined transportation/land bills of lading and blank endorsed marked freight prepaid/ to collect;

() 標(biāo)有合同編號(hào)、信用證號(hào)(信用證支付條件下)及裝運(yùn)嘜頭的商業(yè)發(fā)票一式__份;

signed commercial invoice in ______copies indicating contract no., l/c no. (terms of l/c) and shipping marks;

() 由______出具的裝箱或重量單一式__份;

packing list/weight memo in ______ copies issued by__;

() 由______出具的質(zhì)量證明書一式__份;

certificate of quality in _______ c(轉(zhuǎn)載于: m校 園生活 網(wǎng):合同號(hào)碼英文)opies issued by____;

() 由______出具的數(shù)量證明書一式__份;

certificate of quantity in ___ copies issued by____;

() 保險(xiǎn)單本一式__份(cif 交貨條件);

insurance policy/certificate in ___ copies (terms of cif);


certificate of origin in ___ copies issued by____;

() 裝運(yùn)通知(shipping advice): 賣應(yīng)在交運(yùn)后_____小時(shí)內(nèi)以特快專遞式郵寄給買上述第__項(xiàng)單據(jù)副本一式一套。


the seller shall, within ____ hours after shipment effected, send by courier each copy of the above-mentioned documents no. __.

一式兩份:in duplicate; 一式三份:in triplicate;一式四份:in


the fax contract has same force as effect as origin form


運(yùn)輸方式:terms of delivery fob/cfr/cif

() fob交貨式


the seller shall, days before the shipment date specified in the contract, advise the buyer by _______ of the contract no., commodity, quantity, amount, packages, gross weight, measurement, and the date of shipment in order that the buyer can charter a vessel/book shipping space. in the event of(in case) the seller's failure to effect loading when the vessel arrives duly at the loading port, all expenses including dead freight and/or demurrage charges thus


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